Nobel Leiden
Leiden, one of Holland’s oldest cities, holds a rich history in textile industry. An old factory where in the past sheets were made and rags and tatters were bought and sold now houses ‘Gebr. De Nobel’, a modern club with two venues.
From rags to Rock
The main venue, offering two balconies and an intimate wood-industrial atmosphere, is equipped with a powerful Martin Audio compact line array system, and controlled by DiGiCo SD-series consoles on front and monitors. Extensive infrastructure offers maximum flexibility for routing and control. The smaller venue packs a punch using a conventional Martin Audio H-series, which allows bands and dance music to truly live up to their potential.
Along with all audio systems, Ampco Flashlight supplied trussing, dimming and lighting consoles, ensuring a professional and complete package for the visiting artists.
Video equipment was also supplied, with controls and inputs on various key locations.
Blended perfectly into the old town center, Gebr. de Nobel adds another chapter to the rich history of the city by offering a wide range of bands, DJs and other artists.
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Bas van Schelven
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