ARC system
ArcSystem is an award-winning range of modular and very efficient LED fixtures, designed for use in auditoria, theatres and arena’s using wired DMX or thru the wireless ArcMesh protocol.

Blues System
The next award was for Blues System: worldwide standard for reliable dimmable backstage working lights. Available as dome or beam and for multiple applications such as corridors, staircases and high ceilings.

Stage Managers Console
GDS designs and manufactures a range of custom-made SM consoles for venues of all sizes working in international and demanding theatres and events.

A simple and reliable CUE system for any application such as theatres and conference halls.
Direct contact? Bel 030-2414070 tijdens kantooruren of mail met

Arnoud de Leeuw
Account Manager
“Specialists in products for stagemanagement, venue and backstage lighting “