
Rosco, founded in 1910, is best known to this day for the products that started it all: filters for entertainment lighting, which have grown to be a staple for every professional lighter, light designer, photographer, gaffer or DP in the past 100 years.
Nowadays Rosco delivers products in over a dozen categories, including gobos (or patterns), correction filters for film and tv-lighting, smoke and fog machines, dancefloors, set paints, and backdrops for theater, film, video and webcasting. Rosco innovated a variety of light products, such as rotators, projectors and intelligent mirrors.

Rosco has several disciplines
Rosco also delivers smart LED solutions and accessories, applicable in all disciplines within and outside the light industry, such as the Rosco MIRO, PICA, and BRAQ Cube family, the LitePad Vector CCT, the LitePad Vector Daylight, the SILK 110, the SILK 201, and the RoscoLED tape. These products are used by facility companies within the typical fields such as tv, film, events, tv and movie studios, set design and construction, but also by schools, universities, galleries, museums, shops and car dealers.
Direct contact? Bel 030-2414070 tijdens kantooruren of mail met

Arnoud de Leeuw
Rosco specialist
“Rosco has a wide range of products, together we will select the best products for your situation.”