Outline Newton

Worlds most advanced multi-source audioprocessor
Outline presents Newton, the next step in audio system control, processing & networking. Newton offers groundbreaking filtering technology, multi-format audio signal routing, multi-format conversion and digital sync in a 1HE enclosure.

Power and flexibility
Each Newton processor offers the unique WFIR filters, clock management and 216×216 in/outputs. Internal synchronised and asynchronized sample rate converters process al I/O’s while Newton can be synced with each of the 14 possible clocks. Mix-n-Match Matrix I/O routing enables conversion and distribution of digital audio over multiple protocols possible, all simultaneously.

More information
Newton is available in 3 formats:
- Newton 16 – all digital format
- Newton 16+4: incl. 4 analog I/O
- Newton 16+8: incl 8 analog I/O
Analog I/O’s are easily added later through use of an identical motherboard.
Demo, vraag of offerte?
Direct contact? Bel 030-2414070 tijdens kantooruren of mail met sales@ampco-flashlight.nl

Frans van Houten
Account Manager
“Newton has so many possibilities i would like to explain”