In case of a defect or a question regarding service or repairs, please make your choice from the menu below. In any case you can always contact us via the chatfunction or by using the contactform below.I rented equipment
Support within office hours
When something goes wrong (we’re only human..) we offer a dedicated support department where we can handle your question quickly and professionally.
We are available from mondays – fridays from 9:00 – 17:30 h. Contact us through the chat module or the contactform below.
Phone: +31 (0)30 242 8847
Only in case of emergency we can be reached outside office hours on our emergency phone number:
+31 (0)6 5267 3570
This numer should only be contacted when there is an emergency regading our rental equipment that cannot wait until the next workday.
Using our emergency phone can lead to costs being charged to you.
Malfunctions and defects can be reported to our support dept., they will offer you a solution and handle the issue with you.
Exchanging faulty equipment in our warehouse is not possible before having consulted our support staff.
Please contact them using our chat functionality or through the contact form below.
It is not allowed to modify or repair equiment rented at Ampco Flashlight, unless agreed in writing beforehand.
I bought equipment
Support within office hours
When something goes wrong (we’re only human..) we offer a dedicated support department where we can handle your question quickly and professionally.
We are available from mondays – fridays from 9:00 – 17:30 h. Contact us through the chat module or the contactform below.
Phone: +31 (0)30 2414070
When you have a service contract allowing you to use our emergency phone number we will immediately help you. In other cases we can be reached during office hours.
We are available from mondays – fridays from 9:00 – 17:30 h. Contact us through the chat module or the contactform below.
Phone: +31 (0)30 241 4070
Malfunctions on equipment or installs can be passed on to us accompanied by a clear description in writing.
We are available from mondays – fridays from 9:00 – 17:30 h. Contact us through the chat module or the contactform below.
Phone: +31 (0)30 241 4070
Your request for repair can be done accomoanied by a clear written explanation regarding the malfunction.
We are available from mondays – fridays from 9:00 – 17:30 h. Contact us through the chat module or the contactform below.
Phone: +31 (0)30 241 4070
FAQ gehuurd
Reserve-unit inzetten
Indien u als huurder een meegeleverde reserve-unit inzet om een defect geraakte unit te vervangen, dient de defecte unit zo spoedig mogelijk door de huurder bij Ampco Flashlight Rental B.V. in Utrecht te worden omgeruild of ter reparatie aan te bieden. Wij verzoeken u van te voren contact op te nemen met de Support afdeling.
Indien gewenst kan de afdeling Support logistieke handelingen bij storingen en/of ruilingen, uit handen nemen. In overleg wordt hier een vergoeding tegenover gesteld. Indien u hierover informatie wenst te ontvangen, verzoeken wij u contact op te nemen met de afdeling Support.
Om onnodig veel zoekwerk te voorkomen en om nog sneller en effectiever te werk te kunnen gaan, verzoeken wij u bij retournering van defecte apparatuur ons een duidelijke schriftelijke klachtomschrijving te geven.
FAQ gekocht
Spare units
If possible we can offer you a spare unit. Please contact us to discuss possibilities.
We are available from mondays – fridays from 9:00 – 17:30 h. Contact us through the chat module or the contactform below.
Phone: +31 (0)30 241 4070
Repairs can be sent to us or deliverd by you. We also offer teh possibility for a pick-up: please contact us about the possibilities.
We are available from mondays – fridays from 9:00 – 17:30 h. Contact us through the chat module or the contactform below.
Phone: +31 (0)30 241 4070
Description of complaint
With every repair we request a written explanation of the problem, to accompany the equipment. We will have a downloadable form available soon.