Stromae sets the world in (cyber)motion

A feast to the senses

Who else could be better suited to unify an audience after two years of standstill?

Stromae has the ability to move audiences with beautiful songs, his personality and a breathtaking set of technology.

Cybermotion automated hoists

Important part of the set are the multi-function forms and shapes serving as videoscreens as well as lighting rigs. Five big square rigs are hung by 20 CyberMotion Cyberhoist II hoists, provdiding precise movement ranging from subtle to spectacular effects.

Ampco Flashlight Rental prepared and provided the CyberMotion system, including two MotionCue 3D Consoles, for rehearsals and for shows in Brussels, Paris and Amsterdam.

The tour then moves on across the Atlantic, with Cybermotion Rental USA providing the hoists. Europeans have another chance to watch this show: Stromae will return this summer for a second European leg, including Werchter and Lowlands festivals, with hoists provided once again by Ampco Flashlight before returning to USA and the rest of the world.


Cybermotion operator Stromae: Aurélien Messe
Cybermotion tech Stromae: Augustin Freichel

Stromae Production Manager: Aurélie Pascot
Stromae Technical Director: Nicolas Meyer

Ampco Flashlight Start-up engineer: Martin Hoop

Watch a CyberMotion – PSN showcase here 

Visit CyberMotion website

All photos (c) Lydie Bonhomme


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Martijn de Jong


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