Venues & Clubs

Your venue or club deserves the best, and that is why Ampco Flashlight is the one to work with. Our experience in professional audiovisual installations for clubs, festivals and live events is at your disposal. In close cooperation we will determine the best installation within your requirements and budget, and within short time your venue will be up and running. On top of that we can assist in a keen infrastructure, flexible cabling sets and custom flightcases with your own logo.  

Additional rental is always possible through our rental support or our network of local partners, as well as maintenance and repair service. Commissioning always comprises extensive instruction and training, and our support and service guarantee your continuity.  

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Installation & service


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Bart van der Smissen

Bart van der Smissen

Account Manager

“My background and experience with pop venues is at our client’s disposal”

Bas van Schelven

Bas van Schelven

Account Manager

“An evening in a club should be a great experience”