Ampco Flashlight & Cybermotion move ESC
Moving Turin
One year after providing audio, lights & rigging for the Eurovision Song Contest in AHOY Rotterdam we can add another ESC to our list.
In close cooperation with our client AMG International we provided a system of 91 Cyberhoist II hoists, controlled by two consoles.
With the equipment we also provided crew for loadin, programming, back-up and load out.
Once again our crew and our cybermotion system proved to work flawlessly in the demanding environment that is Eurovision.
Let’s hope things change for the better so we can see the performances in Ukraine next year..
Partners for Turin 2022:
AMG International
Calvini SAS
SDL Service

photo (c) Nathan Reinds

Ampco Flashlight and CyberMotion provided motion systems for the following Eurovision Song Contests:
2003 Riga
2004 Istanbul
2007 Helsinki
2011 Düsseldorf
2012 Baku
2014 Copenhagen
2016 Stockholm
2017 Kyiv
2018 Lisbon
2022 Turin
Das Coen und Sander Fest
Ein Prosit Das Coen und Sander fest is een uitzinnige explosie van goede en slechte smaak, muziek en entertainment. Compleet met Beierse bierstube, feest-DJ's, Corry Konings en halve liters bier ging het dak eraf in de Jaarbeurs. Licht, Geluid en Rigging van Ampco...